Friday, November 09, 2007

Dilemma of the Week

Last night I only knit.....maybe 10 rows. Therefore, I have a dilemma. Cast on for the next toe for Grandpa's socks and try and knit that at the dance show tonight (dark brown yarn, fiddly increases)? Try to finish the gusset increases on Sock #1 (fiddly increases, counting)? Or to pick up a no thinking knitting project, thus breaking my Only Grandpa's Socks rule?

I think we all know the answer here.

I'll be knitting on the socks fondly dubbed the Kermit socks from that green and yellow and brown sock yarn you gave me. Since they're almost done, I'm basically knitting stockinette with maybe an inch of ribbing (or till the yarn runs out.)

Never fear though...I'll give a good measure of time to Grandpa's Socks this way or another!

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