Thursday, March 01, 2007


Hi Flan,
I hope you got to your Dad's in one piece and everything has gone well w/ Neurosurgery, Part 2. I tried calling but I think the power of the ICU blocked the call.

The Hubby was working on a geology lab late into the night. I was feeling like he needed moral support, so I stayed up and knitted while he mumbled incoherant things, presumably about rocks. The happy side is that there is a FO for the new year! I think this year has been all about starting things and the outlook for actually finishing something was incredibly bleak. I am now happy to report that, even though more than an hour was lost due to untangling a manufacturer's error, we have a finished object. I'm very happy. I am also very tired. Today will be done on a caffine high.

Have you been reading the Harlot about the meany who sends her emails of her blog entries corrected in red? I think that's just rude. Blogs are there for us to read and comment upon, but what kind of effrontery is it that someone would correct it and then send the corrected copy to the author? I find it inexcusable behavior. I'm not saying that I don't sometimes mentally correct other people's blogs while reading, but there is a line that you do not cross, and correcting someone else's work and then informing them of their errors is just not right.

Off to find the first caffine of the day.

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