Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

I definitely have copies of those very photos sitting in a yet to be unpacked box in the house!

Due to crazy schedules, Mike and I are Birthday celebrating on Friday, so I'm having a pretty tame birthday so far.

However, I'm way behind on blogging. So here we go.

I had a very good mail day Friday, getting both an exciting birthday giftie from you and an exciting gift from my Mom. Sadly no pictures as of yet. But I was very excited by the oh so soft and fun and funky scarf in such a pretty color! And then St Patrick's Day was the next day, so I wore it all day.

From my Mom I got the KnitPicks Options Set. I haven't tried knitting with them yet, but they're beautiful and very exciting. I think there are some sizes that I'll want two sets for, so I'm thinking about purchasing some additional tips and cords, but this gives me a great start, and means I won't have that sinking feeling of "but I don't have any 9s" while trying to cast on for a project at night!

Friends of ours are opening a pub in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis, and the "preview day" was St Paddy's Day, so we went down for a short visit. They open for real in early April (maybe when you're here). While there, I made our friend CK pose with my sock!

CK is always a great proponent of my knitting in bars, so it seemed appropriate to have him pose with the Sock In Progress.

We had tickets to a Great Big Sea concert on Saturday night (what could be better than Canadian Folk Rock on St Paddy's Day). It was incredibly loud and fun, and we're hoping they come back soon. For Great Big Sea, I cast on a hat for Stephanie's project. Simple, easy ribbing and stockinette for the concert, where I was knitting by feel. Amazingly, it all looks fine, and I apparently didn't drop any stitches.

I continued knitting on the hat when we went to see the Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera Company perform the Mikado with Mike's folks. Always a good time. Now the hat is up to the beginning of the decreases, which I did not trust myself to do in the dark.

This week I've been knitting away at my latest Broadripple socks (which CK is holding in the above photo.) Yesterday on the bus I started decreasing for the toe, and this morning I finished the last decrease about a block before my bus stop. So now they only need to be grafted, and I'll be done! Given that, I decided it was time to cast on for a new pair of socks last night, and pulled out the Wildfoote you gave me and the pattern for Clessidra. Given the fact that these are knee highs with cables and seed stitch, I think they'll take a while.

I have more Fixation waiting in the wings for Broadripple socks, and I think I'll cast on a new pair on my way home tonight. I have Guthrie Tickets tonight, and I need something to work on while I'm there that doesn't require a chart!

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