Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Hey Flan,

I hope your air conditioner is hooked up in the rest of your house. If you lived down here you'd definitely need it. People keep talking about how hot it is. I (mostly) restrain myself from pointing out that we live in Lower Alabama and it is August. If we had this weather in November, I'd be a little bit more concerned, but really, what do you expect? On the other hand, the air temp has been somewhere in the mid to high 90s and the heat index has been 104-117, so it has been warm.

All this heat has translated into a general desire to do nothing but lay about under a fan and drink lemonade. Sadly, this is not always a reality, but the desire is there nonetheless. That means all those sweaters in progress just get laughed at as I work on lighter, more portable projects that never ever have to rest on my lap. I even worked on socks the other day.

Inexplicably, the heat also sent me into a fit of ripping. I had a scarf I had started two separate ways and ripped both. I had a Clapotis half finished and decided that I love the yarn (silk) but didn't think the pattern was right for it. Also ripped. All yarn has been skeined and is awaiting a bath, after which it can be re-wound and fulfill its destiny for other projects. Or at least get prepared for fulfilling its destiny at a time when it is cool enough to knit.

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