Thursday, October 26, 2006

If I Were a Rich Man

We watched the first half of the classic movie version of Fiddler on the Roof last night, which of course led to this song embedding itself in my brain for the day. It turns out that the movie is three hours long, so we had to break it into chunks.

Did I tell you we've signed up for Netflix? We have the "Unlimited, Two at a Time" plan, so we can have two movies out at a time. It turns out to work well to have both "mutual movies" that we both want to watch, and then movies that only one of us is interested in (so I got to watch Mad Hot Ballroom last weekend, it was great!)

Little knitting progress to report though, I got ready to pick up stitches for the mittens, but decided I needed better light. I found the proper downsized needles for the cuff of Eris, but couldn't concentrate on the pattern and decided to put it down. My only knitting that seems to just be trucking along is my sock in progress, so I think my idea of switching in the mittens for my traveling project will improve their chances of getting finished!

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